The exhibitions Scramble for the Arctic and Rising Tide focus on the global impact of melting ice and the rising sea levels. Scramble for the Arctic illustrates the process of Dutch expansion into the Arctic region. Rising Tide by photojournalist and filmmaker Kadir van Lohuizen serves as a wake-up call and illustrates the global impact and irreversible consequences of rising sea levels.

scramble for the Arctic
The Arctic Scramble exhibition illustrates the historic Dutch presence in the Arctic region through themes such as the mythical pole, the first attempts to find a northern passage, whaling, competition and science, and the rise of tourism in the region.

rising tide
Through photographs and films, the Rising Tide exhibition shows the human stories behind the alarming statistics and sketches a confrontational vision of the near future.

interactive room
How aware are you when it comes to climate change? The interactive room is an in-depth extention to Scramble for the Arctic and Rising Tide. Get inspired by documentaries and podcasts, but also let us know what you do to fight for the climate.
The National Maritime Museum shows how water connects worlds. The museum showcases a wide range of impressive masterpieces and artefacts from one of the world's finest maritime collections. In addition to exhibitions with a historical character, the museum exhibits work by contemporary international artists. The museum uses maritime developments from the past, present, and future to encourage debate on current themes. Climate change and rising sea levels are crucial themes that have an impact on what the museum is all about. Kadir van Lohuizen's project perfectly matches these themes in terms of art and content. In Arctic Scramble and Rising Tide, the museum is taking on its social role of informing and activating a broad public.

Scramble for the Arctic and Rising Tide are made possible by BankGiro Loterij, Mondriaan Fonds, Waterschap Amstel Gooi & Vecht, NWB Bank and Noor.