  • When: February 23 - October 7, 2024

With the photography exhibition Rescuers at sea The Maritime Museum celebrates 200 years of the Dutch Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM). The exhibition highlights volunteers of the KNRM and shows who these people are

Jeroen Hofman and Robin de Puy

Rescuers at sea showcases new photos from Dutch top photographers Jeroen Hofman and Robin de Puy. Hofman captured the KNRM coast stations from his favorite aerial perspective, while De Puy photographed the rescuers in a personal manner, without their rescue gear. An outstanding photo features Corrie van der Haven-Eikelenboom, the first female rescuer of the KNRM.

Corrie van der Haven-Eikelenboom

Credits: Robin de Puy, 2023



Tim Bisschop, a Flemish designer with a penchant for portrait and close-up photography, takes care of the graphic design. Jasper van Goor designed the exhibition, incorporating the distinctive orange-blue colors. Each of the two photographers has their own room, where the photos are displayed in large format to bring them closer to the visitor. Robin opts for black and white photos, while Jeroen chooses color. 

KNRM IJmuiden.

Credits: Jeroen Hofman

Fleet review

On May 25th, 40 state-of-the-art KNRM vessels will dock at The Maritime Museum, including both historical and modern rescue boats. Visitors can admire this fleet up close during a stroll along the museum piers. Special activities for children will be organized.